Being a photographer has many perks. One of them is spending time with beautiful people! We met Tracy and Ira in their Gramercy park apartment (huge windows- what a view!) where we shot few pics of T & I with their oh-so-cute yorkie Winnie. A short (and bumpy) cab ride later we were all languidly strolling through Central Park. Tracy is very beautiful, and glamorous, plus she works for a major fashion house, so she's got the style :) and so ......we tried to do some photography, but encountered a number of interruptions:
Passer by: 'Who are you shooting? Who is she? 'I know, I know!' 'I recognize her smile ... !' 'It's ...... Jessica!'
Passer by # 2: 'Do you guys always travel with your photographers?'
Passers by # 3, 4, 5 - Just standing on the side and photographing the entire scene with their little cameras.
Ohhhh- it was hard work! ;))
After all we had such great time, basking in all the goodies central park has to offer: sun filtered through vegetation, pretzels and mustard, interesting pseudo antiquated architectural structures, horse carriages, yellow cabs ... and much fun with our lovely couple!

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